Coastal a Cappella presents an afternoon of Xmas delight. The Xmas Elves and Mrs Claus share the Tale of Tinsel Town where Naughty Pirates are plotting to steal the children's presents - BOO! Can the Xmas Elves and the Magical Fairies find a way to stop them? Will there be any presents left for the town's children?
date: Sunday, 26th Nov 2023
time: 2 sessions 2.30-3.30pm & 4.30-5.30pm
place: The Erina Centre, Erina Fair Shopping Centre, Erina
cost: $10 adults, $5 children, $20 family, under 5yrs free
tickets: https://www.trybooking.com/CMEVK
(or tickets at the door)
contact: Jennie at [email protected]